1/8" Shim/Spacer for manual presses - 5 pack
10.5" stainless-steel Catch-Rods for Ergo-Force Squeegees
9" stainless steel Catch-Rods for Fist-Force Squeegees
Auto-Force Squeegee with adjustable stiffener for M&R and Workhorse style automatic presses
BASIC Edition - Fist-Force Manual Squeegee 4", 5", 6", 8" ,10" and 13"
Catch Rods - for Ergo-Force Squeegee (21", 24" and Minis x 2)
Clear-View-Blue Tape *New for 2023*
DELUXE Edition Fist-Force Manual Squeegee
Emulsion Buddy
Ergo-Force "A-Select" Value Pack - FREE SHIPPING
Ergo-Force Squeegee (choose your size)
Fist-Force Auto-Adapter kit
Fist-Force BACK component ONLY (4", 5", 6", 8" ,10" and 13")
FRONT (Primary) Extrusion for Fist Force Squeegees
Hex-Helpers - pack of 50 (for use with Silver-Mixing-Stick)
INFLATION FIGHTER Ergo-Force Squeegees (scratch-n-dent at a DISCOUNT!)
INFLATION FIGHTER Monster-Max Scoop Coater - Choose your size
Ink-Master Flood Bar (for ANATOL style machines)
Ink-Master Flood Bar - BASIC version (for M&R style machines)
Ink-Master Flood Bar - DELUXE version (for M&R/Workhorse style machines)
Lolli-Pop Props - (for Fist-Force Squeegees)
Low Profile Pallet Bracket (for Hopkins/Workhorse presses)
Many Press Bracket (fits a wide variety of presses)